Our Work

Supporting USDA crackdown on “Product of USA” fraud
Basel Musharbash Basel Musharbash

Supporting USDA crackdown on “Product of USA” fraud

In June 2023, Antimonopoly Counsel drafted a public comment on behalf of Farm Action, Rural Coalition, and the American Grassfed Association, in support of a proposed USDA rule that would crack down on fraudulent "Product of USA" claims.

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Exposing how bank consolidation has been a key driver of rural distress, and urging DOJ to take remedial action
Basel Musharbash Basel Musharbash

Exposing how bank consolidation has been a key driver of rural distress, and urging DOJ to take remedial action

Antimonopoly Counsel attorney Basel Musharbash represented Farm Action and e2 Entrepreneurial Ecosystems in drafting and submitting a public comment to the Justice Department Antitrust Division exposing the severe harms that unrestrained bank mergers have caused to rural communities since the 1990s — and urging the Antitrust Division to take remedial action.

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